The dilemma of the "right" understanding of a message

Each person rarely interprets any text identically to another person

This circumstance is based on the fact that every person develops his own horizon of knowledge and thus his own world view due to his upbringing, education and personal experiences

This world view is not static, but is constantly developing

People usually understand and respond to messages both rationally and emotionally. That is, rationally with their knowledge horizon, combined with emotions. This is why the meaning of a message and the reaction to it is so different for each person.

Computers can analyse texts without emotions in a first step, purely rationally, based on grammar and stylistics (intrinsic semantics). The emotional assignment can happen in a second step.

When you approach a text, you have a certain preconception, a mental imprint. This means the horizon of a reader, his knowledge and experience and thus his understanding of the world. If he then reads the text, a first understanding of the text develops. In this way, the reader expands his horizon and thus also his previous understanding. From this new previous understanding, an expanded, corrected or new understanding of the text results in the further examination of the text. If this process is continued, an infinitely continuous progress of knowledge takes place.

More precise interpretation of messages

The semantic fingerprint stores the intrinsic semantics of a text in rational, normalized form. This makes the text accessible to ML** and allows for faster and more precise analysis.

The text message can also be delivered from different horizons. Thus, a message can be analysed and interpreted from different viewing angles or subjective impressions!

The rolling circular motion continuously deepens the analysis. Due to this hermeneutic circular movement, the hermeneutic difference (distance) between the horizons of the reader and the author becomes increasingly smaller until the horizons merge. This means that the reader increasingly understands the message of the broadcasters. The hermeneutic difference also strongly demands intelligent solutions from the field of machine learning (ML).

The expansion of horizons can be achieved with the help of search engines such as Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing or with a data crawler, as well as access to databases, documents and encyclopaedias.

Thanks to the semantic fingerprint, it is possible to classify these different sources according to similar texts in order to broaden the horizon. The semantically similar texts are transferred to a common horizon (knowledge area) in the form of an extended text corpus and compared.

Semantic concept (generalizations; higher-level thinking)

Concepts occur as abstractions or generalizations from experience; from the result of a transformation of existing ideas; or from innate properties.
Concepts are defined as components of human cognition in the cognitive science disciplines of linguistics, psychology and philosophy. Concepts are used as formal tools or models in mathematics, computer science, databases and artificial intelligence where they are sometimes called classes, schema or categories.

Sometimes concepts are known by other names in everyday language such as "kinds", "types" or "sorts", as in "Chamomile is a kind of tee", or "A SUV is a kind of a car".

Generalizations and higher-level thinking are the key for humans for superior and complex decision making. Innovation, creativity, science, research and development, the questioning about the next and unknown, all finds its motivation in the fact that our brain always thinks in higher-level. Like a flywheel, the brain tries to connect, understand and explore all data and information we receive and store. Understand concepts means generalizing the gathered knowledge and trying to apply it in other occasions or situations for solution solving in any kind of life circumstances. 

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